WordPress Migration

  1. Zip WordPress files
  2. Transfer WordPress zip files to FTP server
  3. Extract the WordPress files
  4. Modify the WP_HOME and WP_SITEURL to the desired domain name assigned to the host
    define( ‘WP_HOME’, ‘https://laokuzagrill.com’ );
    define( ‘WP_SITEURL’, ‘https://laokuzagrill.com’ );
    as well as modify the mysql contents: DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_HOST
  5. Export MYSQL database
  6. Import MYSQL database (create MySQL user account)


Check the MySQL database to see if it contains a create a database field

  1. Once imported, go into the MySQL database and head to the wp_options table and check and modify if necessary the ‘siteurl’ and
    ‘home’ to the newly hosted domain name.
  2. Debug and check the WordPress website to see if all functionality works.
    Using … said tools… not sure yet
  3. If there is one, then go into wp-config.php and add these lines
    define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true); define(‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true);
    Once that is finished, the logs will be found in wp-content. Remember to remove the line or change the values to false so the debugger is running the background hence using up resources on your host. error WooCommerce fix not loading check WordPress error logs


Different ways of migrating a WordPress website:

  • All in one migration plugin (didn’t work in my case because of how big the files were)